7:15 AM

Finally a start again .. Voila!

I’ve been mulling over the idea of starting a blog for some time now. However, I’m not a complete novice to blogging .I have an earlier blog floating somewhere on the world wide web, which went kaput within months of my starting out. It was partly because my enthusiasm fizzled out too soon but more importantly.. I forgot the password ! And the email account from where I could retrieve it got hacked!! Its uncanny that the two events should coincide, but sadly they did. Till this day I haven’t been able to figure out the hacking mystery, but whoever the hacker was, must have been thoroughly disappointed by the lack of any interesting trivia in my inbox. I’ve evolved a lot from those puerile days of yore. And so has my inbox (hu ha ha ha!! ). Ok, Enough with that rant .

I need something that keeps me interested - a medium of expression , a way to articulate all the random thoughts that scour through my brain. Majority of people, like myself have a tendency to be completely chaotic about their life. There are a myriad of things on people’s “to do “ lists before they are a certain age or before a certain year . These could range from learning a language, playing an instrument, bungee jumping, reading a certain book, buying a car ad infinitum but they mostly get so caught up in the humdrum of everyday life, work , survival, lethargy that not much of the wish-list comes to fruition. Partying , late – night movies and lazing around is what my usual weekends look like beyond the daily work routine. A little chat with 2 dear friends, one of whom is a veteran blogger already, and here I am , almost a month later. Feeling useful gives one a sense of purpose and whether I find any audience for my blog, just knowing that I’ve put in creative energy into writing a sizeable piece of text is enough of an incentive. So Blogging, here I come. Good luck to me ! :-)